Sunday, August 12, 2007


Sunday morning harvest

Lower garden: raspberries, hops vines, three sisters (corn, beans, squash)

Upper garden: basil & tomatoes

zebra tomatoes on the vine


Christa Duddleston said...

Yeah! That's what i'm talkin' about!!

Do you guys prune your tomatoes? I just picked my first ripe Black Krim tomato today!

Nice hops!

Becca said...

Yeah, Christa. These pictures were special for you. :D

We prune and tie the vine tomatoes once a week. This year they suffered from blight in July, but seem to have recovered for the most part. Jay used a pesticide-free spray to help them along during the blight-fight. We made the mistake of planting some of the tomatoes where we'd grown potatoes last year...bad combo. Lesson learned.