I've been meaning to pull our hand written ledger off the wall for a while now...the preserving season finally came to a close at the beginning of November when the last of the carrots were pulled from the ground. I like this list not only because of the gratification it gives me, seeing the numbers of preserved foods grow, knowing we'll still enjoy our fruits mid-winter, but also because it is indicative of what's in season when, from rhubarb to root vegetables. In addition to the list below, our basement (aka root cellar) also holds 4 rubbermaid tubs of fresh potatoes, carrots and beets stored in sawdust, nearly 30 winter squash, a good batch of onions, as well as dried basil, oregano, thyme, dill, and chamomile. So, for the books...
2008 Canning and Freezing Inventory & Record
Date -- Quantity & Food
- 5/26 -- 7 pints rhubarb sauce canned
- 6/22 -- 14 jelly jars rhubarb jam canned
- 6/28 -- 4 pints strawberry freezer jam
- 7/4 -- 3 1/2 16oz bags spinach frozen
- 7/8 -- 4 gallon bags strawberries frozen
- 7/14 -- 2 batches cilantro pesto frozen
- 7/28 -- 2 1/2 pounds beet greens frozen
- 8/5 -- 1 gallon bag sliced summer squash frozen
- 5 jelly jars dill relish canned
- 8/8 -- 10 batches basil pesto frozen
- 8/16 -- 1 gallon bag sliced zucchini frozen
- 4 pints sweet pickle relish canned
- 8/17 -- 1 gallon bag shredded zucchini frozen
- 1 gallon bag blueberries frozen
- 8/20 -- 10 pints tomato corn salsa canned
- 5 quart bags sweet corn sliced and frozen
- 8/29 -- 5 quarts tomatoes canned
- 4 quarts dill pickles canned
- 9/6 -- 16 quarts tomatoes canned
- 9/9 -- 13 quarts applesauce canned
- 9/11 -- 5 quarts applesauce canned
- 7 quarts tomatoes canned
- 9/8 -- 8 gallon bags blueberries frozen
- 9/12 -- 4 quarts applesauce canned
- 5 quarts tomatoes canned
- 9/13 -- 6 quarts tomatoes canned
- 5 quarts applesauce canned
- 9/20 -- 28 gallons pressed apple cider (then frozen and/or made into hard cider)
- 9/24 -- 8 quarts tomatoes canned
- 9/27 -- 7 pints tomato salsa canned
- 9/29 -- 14 pints applesauce canned
- 9/30 -- 7 pints tomato salsa canned
- 1 gallon bag hot and mild peppers frozen
- 10/4 -- 13 pints tomatoes canned
- 11/2 -- 3 quart bags carrots sliced and frozen
- 3 gallon bags apples sliced and dehydrated
- 21 lbs, 7 oz tomatoes sun-dried