Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Indulgent Mother Moment Alert

Owain wanted me to take a snap of his letter writing - he did these all by himself (with a little prompting in the spelling department.) By the way, I can't identify the little amoeba-like thingy to the left of his name.


Amanda said...

oooh....jeez.....I better get cracking on all that. thanks for the reminder ;-) i was just recently happy she could count to 3. poor third kid.

Anonymous said...

What a stud! In Chicago being able to write your name is the criteria for getting your own library card!

Anonymous said...

He's a writer like his mama! Just to make you extra proud, Adric's four and can't write any letters yet, much less his name. Though he's starting to read. Go figure.

Anonymous said...

omg, seriously?! ;o)
