Monday, April 20, 2009

Hope you're hungry for Amish Paste Tomatoes

My sister gets most of the credit for this seedling bounty:

And this is just the start...(Becca here).
Our major growing this year (hopefully for profit) will be in paste tomatoes (like giant romas - great for preserving), baby lettuce, spinach, collards, onions, hot & green peppers, cucumbers, parsley, basil, red and thumbelina (small sweet) carrots, and red & gold baby beets. Also in the pots and ground for ourselves are summer & winter squash, herbs, potatoes, other tomato varieties, peas, rhubarb, asparagus, broccoli, and others I'm sure I'm missing. The idea was to pare it down to the varieties we "really love" this year - these are the ones, but I probably wouldn't call it paring down! Once we start, there's no going backwards - it's always a beautiful, therapeutic, stressful process. And I can hardly bear to look at the barren garden beds any longer - they just gaze at us expectantly up from the ground, simply covered in mulch, waiting for a little foliage to foster. It's the least we can do.


Christa Duddleston said...

I love your double stacked picnic bench usage. Great idea!

mindfulmama said...

Looks like my kitchen :-P and I don't have a farm but a quarter of an acre. Sigh. A farmer at heart, I am.