Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Thank you, James.

Our cousin James has been staying with us for the past week and not only has it been great to spend some time with him, but his willingness to help and unwavering 19 year old energy have been enormously helpful.

As if the deconstruction and construction around the farm in addition to the usual fevered pitch of spring haven't been enough going on, James jumped right into project after project bright and early every morning. Here are a few of the reasons we have him to thank...

Steps to the Greenhouse

Retaining wall behind the hoop house

Wood. Seriously, he cut all this wood in a day. I know.

Framing and insulation in the walk in cooler for market produce


christina said...

way to put him to work!!! what a helper!

charissimo said...

Seriously. He kicks ASS!