Monday, May 09, 2005

Ticked off

What a weekend! Oy.

Jay had to re-awaken me three times this morning as I was plastered to my bed. Besides sanding and re-finishing the floors (the boys and WONDERFUL COUSIN BEN) and planting zillions of plants/vines and making trellises (B and me) Colby was diagnosed with Lyme's Disease over the weekend. Apparently the ticks are rampant right now. When we got to the farm on Saturday his legs were swollen like footballs and he was not a happy camper. The grizzled, hardened old country vet - the only one I could get after a couple hours of trying - came out and pumped him full of antibiotics, was out again yesterday (Sunday) and will be back again today. When I asked him whether Colby would be okay, he looked me straight in the eye and said "He'll either live or he'll die. We'll know in a couple of days." Poor horse has been through the wringer with the Midwest bugs. The good news is that once they've been exposed and recovered, they're immune to another bout.

On the upside, I'm selling my beautiful trailer in order to adopt this boy:

Isn't he awesome? He comes from a PMU farm (Pregnant Mare Urine - used to make the drug Premarin). Apparently Canada has shut down all of their PMU farms as of late April because they've been able to make a synthetic version of Premarin, which is a very good thing as the PMU farms are cruel to the horses (mares are impregnated and made to stand in stanchion stalls 24/7 so that their urine can be collected). The downside to this is that there are now thousands of horses flooding the market, and most will be sent to slaughter because of they way humans have senselessly and shamefully exploited them. I've wanted to adopt one of these guys ever since I heard about the farms.

That's it for now- back to work!

Love and glorious flaxen manes and tails to all,


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

char he's a beauty- a diamond in the rough congrats when do you get him ? i knew there was a reason i hated premarin aj