Thursday, October 05, 2006

Blah Mama

Howdy folks -

Boy, it's been a while since I posted, and with good reason. Because if I had, it would have looked something like this: dkaosaid jdkaekls ieoa skl wiisisoo ds a idiaiw sldiiiske sdii skdiaoehyc.

And not because I've developed my own language a la JRR Tolkien in my spare time.

Basically, now I know why they use sleep deprivation to torture prisioners. You know it's pathetic when you're REALLY excited to get in a 2 hour block of shut eye. The only reason I have the capacity to write now is because last night went really well and I got a 3/2.5/1.5. Woo hoo! My poor darling is afflicted with acid reflux, as Jay posted earlier. It's a good thing his days are such a mellow-yellow kick in the pants (as I type he's having an animated conversation with the ceiling fan and flailing his arms and legs wildly about), because nighttime is all about siezing, writhing, choking and gagging. I'm eating about 10 different things total in an attempt to remove any possible allergy-related/reflux triggering food from my diet. We've spent a mint on gripe water. We saw an accupuncturist. We are most likely dangers to ourselves and others when behind the wheel of a car. We don't get much of a chance to take care of any personal hygeine. The list goes on and on.

Otherwise, Owain is growing and thriving like a champ (which I'm grateful for, because often reflux babies don't want to eat, as it hurts their throats and they lose ground fast. Not my kid. If he had it his way, he'd be permanently attached to my nipple). He's in the 98th-100th percentile in length, weight and head size (he's almost 14 pounds now!) and is smiling, cooing, and practicing the upright bass in preparation for his role in the family band. He's pretty chill, and often times will put himself to sleep for naps, but he's certainly his own person, still growling when he wants to eat and now throwing a funny little tantrum when he gets burped between sides. He also INSISTS on facing out when going for walks in the sling (which he loves), and is already holding his head up and looking around like a big boy. His hair pretty much all fell out except for a little monk ring around the back, and he's getting some fine lighter/blonde-ish fuzz growing in now, which is cute but takes away a bit from the old man angle he was working earlier. Jay also insists that he's now sporting a "Ted forehead." (To see the resemblance for yourself, check out the photo on Jay's "Fine and O.K." post below.)

So, I'm not gonna lie. I've done a lot of crying this month. A lot. Sheer exhaustion, ugly-style crying. The baby is a peach, but I'm learning that being a parent is hard, and the hardest part (so far) is watching my child suffer. The best part (so far) is watching his personality get bigger along with his jowls and thighs. Also, I'd just like to say thank the sweet baby haysus for Jay and his endless energy reserves! I'd never be able to do this without him. He's a brilliant, caring, hands-on dad, expert burper, and creative in his many methods to try and get our child to sleep peacefully. I'm in awe. Really.

In other farm news, we made a load of apple cider with some of our own apples and some from Jay's co-teacher Brenda; Ellis is walking on his own and even has a few words under his belt(!) and the cats have become hard-boiled mouse killers as the rodents are finding their way into the house for winter. Gus, if you're reading this, please leave them out where we can find them and not under the piano for later/smellier discovery. Also, not where we will step on them in the dark at the foot of the stairs. Your cooperation is appreciated..

Love to all - thanks for your comments and posts. I'm so happy to hear from you!



Anonymous said...

That's quite an epistle for one exhausted, ever-givin' mama! I remember those days (only 27 years ago)vividly: the crying (both mine and the babe's), moments or hours of quiet and not so quiet desperation and eyedroppers of peppermint tea for 'baby Malaika' and a glass of wine for me, as well as midnight reprieves when 'daddy' took M on 'neighborhood jaunts' around the block waking everyone in the area.This too shall pass, as they say. I pray that it will very soon for all of you. love and longer periods of repose, Kathie

Anonymous said...

I wish that I was a baby and Charis and Jay could hold me all night. That's got to be a pretty great little life, despite the discomfort. Hang in there, guys! You're doing awesome!
