Monday, May 28, 2007

And they're off!

Vegetable Plant Inventory - May 28, 2007
65 tomato (yes, 65. no, we're not sure what we'll do with them all.)
14 basil
5 broccoli
4 cucumber
8 purple bush bean
15 pepper

garlic, lettuce, carrots, beets, zucchini, pumpkin, butternut squash, acorn squash, yellow squash, watermelon, cantaloupe, Minnesota melon, hops, rhubarb, onion, radish, herbs, raspberries, potatoes. Whew.In the past few days, we transplanted all but a handful of our plants into the gardens (upper and lower), and it feels so good! (and there's so much more room in our dining room, aka greenhouse). Our garden's new tomato zone looks like a stonehenge of cedar stakes in the ground. We have 20 more tomato plants up for grabs, if anyone can use them! Also, can anyone use fresh rhubarb? Say the word and it's yours.Please pray the we don't get a freak overnight frost this late in the spring. And also put in a good word with God that our garden goes weed-less this summer...and that we find a stash of time in September when we have to figure out what to do with all the surplus. At this point, we can't wait for that day. Here's to mulch and rain and big, fat, red tomatoes.Ellis's new favorite activityThe lower garden, newly fenced and electrified - take that, deer!
Luscious peonies from the front yard


Catherine said...

Wahoo! Grow farm garden, grow! Can't wait to visit. Is Father's Day weekend still good for y'all or should we pick another time? (We know how summers "busy up!") :)

Becca said...

Catherine, I can't believe we still haven't gotten our act together to schedule your visit! Father's Day weekend is when Charis and Jay will be out of town - shoot! Let's connect to get another time on the calendar. We'd love to have you when we're all here...maybe closer to August when some of these veggies will be ripe for the pickin'!

The Process said...

We can't wait to get up for Glenda and Kelly's wedding. Maybe we can eat some of those amazing veggies! Looks like some great work done this weekend!

christina said...

wait.... glenda is getting married? am i out of the loop?

i am very impressed by all your veggies and herbs. also love that picture of ellis. he looks like he's in heaven.

anya milton said...

So my mom is visiting from Chicago, and I read this post to her. And her response was,

"And where is the ganja?"


We got a laugh out of that on. She also said that she and her husband, Hennie want to come an visit. Maybe sometime in the fall. They want to see this farm of yours.

They just bought some property on the Kickapoo River near Eastman, WI. Seven acres.

All our love to you guys!

Becca said...

Oh, we'd LOVE for Andrea and Hennie to visit! How exciting that they also have acreage in Wisconsin - it's swiftly becoming THE place to live, dontchaknow?