Sunday, June 22, 2008

Meet the Girls

My sweet husband made a sweet chicken ark, and as anyone with a fine ark-makin' husband would be expected to do, I feel the compulsive need to share. The beauty of this piece of architecture is that you can move it around in your garden and the chickens eat the bugs while naturally tilling and composting the area, getting it ready for your garden planting! Don't worry - we'll be building a more permanent, insulated structure for them for winter.

I would only recommend this pose in this hat if you don't mind looking a few sandwiches short of a picnic

Yes, that's Boompa in there

Bring on the birds!

And after a long drive even further out into the boonies and a stop at Urias' place for some new springs for my forecart seat, we picked up these little beauties: four White Leghorns, two Black Australorps and two Barred Rocks. Apparently we can expect eggs in another 2-4 weeks. They're settling in just fine, thank you!


Anonymous said...

OH MY GOODNESS! Lostview has chickens?!?! I thought it would never happen! Have you named them yet? I'm pretty sure one of them has to be Foghorn.
Also - char - that is the coolest hat ever. I am SOOO jealous of you being able to pull of the good ol' country girl look. Darn you, collins - it just isn't right that you can pull that look off just as well as you rock the black hoodie or eiffel tower dress. If i didn't love you so much i'd hate you a ton.

charissimo said...

Thanks, Cor. I'll bring the hat to PDX and you can wear it for our "Country Girls Gone Wild in Portland" night.

I'm fighting the concept of naming the chickens because it will make butchering them just that much harder, but Foghorn will be taken under careful consideration.

christina said...

AWESOME! one of ours got loose on friday. have you seen the movie rocky? well then you can picture the scene at our house (the fence wasn't fully installed yet).

Stephen said...

Have they started laying yet? So no bantam hens?? Probably for the best they're known to be very motherly. Our's basically will go with out food and water so she can sit on a golf ball.