Thursday, June 04, 2009

The longest and shortest weeks of my life...

Sometime between today and three weeks from today, we will go from farm party of 6 to party of 7. And as I lay in bed last night, listening first to Owain's midnight wake up call, then Ellis's 3:30 a.m. pop up, I started to feel like it was all just well-timed practice for the quickly approaching newborn baby sleep chaos. I feel like we're a bunch of pampered pansies, turning on the nightly chorus of noise machines, but I also can't imagine how the previous families of 5 and 6 kids sharing beds here in our little upstairs bedrooms ever got a good night's sleep!

So, the car seat is in the car, the baby clothes are washed and folded, the burp cloths lined up on the dresser, the hospital bag nearly packed...I look at these tiny little items all ready for the baby and hope and pray that they don't sit idle for too much longer. I think the eight days I waited for Ellis to come after his due date were some of the most character-building, self-enlightening (frustrating, hot, sweaty, swollen) days of my life. I also got a lot done around the house since I couldn't bring myself to drag my giant belly onto the train to work. This time around, I know I always have menial farm tasks to keep me busy. So, as often as possible, I strap on the knee pads and gloves and plunk down in the garden to weed, to take my mind off the waiting, to feel like a contributor, to get the satisfaction of watching that lamb's quarter and quack grass come out of the soil, roots and all.

I have been blessed with amazing and healthy pregnancies--the joy and satisfaction of feeling my body do just what it was created to do is so profound and beautiful. The second time around especially has not been without discomfort, ups and downs, of course. But I FEEL good and fortunate, proud and thrilled. I love the gentle assurance I have knowing that I've birthed a baby before and I can do it again. I've survived sleepless, stressful child-rearing, and I can handle more. I look at Ellis and Owain at almost 3 and 4 years old and I am already panicking that this little one will grow up too fast as well. Little sister or brother? one day or one week or three's time to place your bets!

Here's a little reminder of what we have to look forward to... I can hardly wait.

Ellis June 2006


Amanda said...

Happy birthing, mama. I hope you get a girl for the farm :-) Every farmer needs a daughter :-)

charissimo said...

I would just like to say that this post necessitates my joy in conveying that I get to HAVE A BABY without ACTUALLY HAVING TO PUSH ONE OUT. This basically makes me the luckiest person EVER.

Anonymous said...

My bets are on a gal and I've got about 90% success on my guesses. Hoping that this doesn't jinx it : )

Sanne says a "bwotha fir Ellis".

Natey vote is still not in . . .

The Process said...

I also need to mention that Sanne has started calling your little one "baby house".

Becca said...

Well, B, right now I'm kind of feeling like a house, so "baby house" seems kind of appropriate... what ever it means! I'm just lucky that if this is a girl, she'll have her cool cousin Sanne to show her the ropes!