Monday, July 13, 2009

L'Herbe Spirale

How many times have you been putting the finishing touches on that pizza or salad dressing and thought "Damn! I could really use some fresh basil! Or "A handful of rosemary would kick my butt right now!" Or "Nothing like a muddling of lemon balm to perfect a made-to-order gin cocktail!" Well now you can. If you're at my house anyway.

Observe this year's herb spiral, where within mere steps of the front door I can harvest (in order from the top o' the spiral) fresh rosemary, dill, basil, cilantro, echinachea, oregano, sage, calendula, thyme, chives, lavender (still admittedly a bit of a runt - observe what looks to be a vast patch of bare soil in that spot), parsley, lemon balm, and hyssop. The only true fail so far this year has been cumin. I spit in your face, cumin! I didn't want you anyway! I'm totally picking cilantro for the A Team from now on.

Anyone else have something cool they're doing in their garden?


christina said...

also had a cumin crop failure. not sure why. i love the herb spiral!

charissimo said...

Well I'm glad the cumin failed both of us, Christina! Makes me fee like less of a brown thumb...

Unknown said...

Your spiral is looking good.

I have some sage that is finally starting to take off. Them Lemon Balm did not survive the winter though. The dill would be great it the dog would stop chaing chipmunks through it :(