Friday, February 16, 2007

Holy 6 months!


anya milton said...

WOW! What a cutie pie. He has brown eyes? I thought they were blue. Keep posting pics of those boys...they are so darling!

Happy six months, little bubbers!

charissimo said...

Hey Anya!

His eyes are actually kind of an unquantifiable greenish-hazel-gray color right now - I posted another photo that gives you a better idea. I think they may be on their way to being brown, but I love the color they are right now! I hope it stays!

B keeps me posted on your cherubs too - so much fun to watch them grow like weeds!



Christa Duddleston said...

In the first picture of Owain it looks like he's saying, "thank you very muuuch, thank you, thank you very muucch." Elvis style.

Is that what he was saying? Was it? Was it??

charissimo said...

Yes, in fact, Jay and I feel it is very important developmentally for babies to learn and practice the lip curl at an early age. Now we're just waiting for the pompadour to grow in and we'll be all set. The white jumpsuit is on special order...