Sunday, January 04, 2009

Happy Birthday Charis

(unashamedly inspired by Dennis)

I got to look into the beautiful blue eyes of Charis today - after a 5 day absence while she was in Hollywood. I spent a glorious time with Owain and my family in Madison. Glorious is not the best word, there isn't one for time with Owain.

BUT, to be back with Charis: inspirational, flutters my heart and makes middle whoozy, creative, life-giving, breathtaking, passionate, driving, unstoppable, sexy as all get out, challenging, and never letting me settle, but encouraging me to be the best man I can be in a way that nobody could dream of or accomplish.

I am turning up many new and great avenues these past few weeks and this year ahead, and it is because of Charis and her unsinkable love.


Matthew said...

how cool.
you are a lucky motherfucker (literally too).
and so is she.

charissimo said...

Thanks a lot for dropping an f-bomb on our blog, Matthew.

Matthew said...

My fuckin' pleasure.

charissimo said...

Yeah, I think the "literally too" was an especially nice touch.