Monday, June 26, 2006

Two showers

Nothing beats a good drenching during a parched summer. Jay and I were in the cities over the weekend for my baby shower, which was a relaxed, low key affair at my mom's place. Present: Mom, Becca, Grandma Cedarleaf, Aunt Glenda, Kelly Piatt, Natalie Osberg, her daughter Katie, her friend, myself, waffles, bacon, fruit compote, mimosas. Not present: the toilet paper diaper game, any kind of game where people have to write answers on little slips of paper, ice breakers of any variety. A perfect scenario, really. And I picked up some really great loot - most of which I never knew I needed until Ellis came on to the scene (nursing pillow anyone?). I'm very grateful for this kind of heads-up and for Becca's calm guidance, because I'd be pretty much clueless otherwise, tomboy mama that I am.

At any rate, on the way back, Jay and I watched two storms converge right over the top of the farm, finally soaking us for hours and hours. This had been the first real rain in at least a month. You could almost watch the vegetation open and grow and breathe a sigh of relief. The sudden appearance of copious weeds in the garden is proof! I'll tell you that when living among farmers (and having a stake in the hay they're growing) a person can get VERY obsessive about weather.

Speaking of hearing a bunch of weather talk between farmers, Jay and I went to the Colfax Fair on Sunday. We enjoyed some brittle bratwursts and the ever-popular pint of milk for lunch and checked out the arts and crafts building with all of the knick knacks, yuckadoities, preserves, and baked goods in their full glory (our neighbor Tryston won a grand prize for a camoflauge hunting vest he sewed. I'll tell you that kid is a renaissance man!). Then we got to watch Tryston and his brothers sell their prize-winning beef cows, pigs and sheep at the FFA auction. I experienced a moment of panic when I suddenly realized that our child could potentially want to participate in the fair in some way and I'm going to have to either a.) start to get crafty or b.) stop getting attached to farm animals who are being raised for consumption. The fair was a classic small-town Wisconsin kind of experience. There was even a tiny ferris wheel!

We had a great time with Julianne and Mark here last week, getting to embark upon this summer's maiden tubing voyage down the Red Cedar River together (not as much of an adventure as last year's eternal float but definitely far more relaxing). Plus Jay entertained us by barbequing ribs caveman-style and we did lots of farm-talkin' and walking the land - Julianne even went for a ride with me! We feel very honored that they made us a part of their "See the Heartland Tour 2006."

Today Jay and I harvested more lettuce, beets and rhubarb. Tonight is our last class in the series at the birthing center, where we will take our fellow class members some of that aforementioned lettuce and hopefully learn us a little something about pushing a baby out into the world. Thelonious continues to grow and roll crazy like a lava lamp in my belly.

Oh yeah, we also saw the exhibit Body Worlds at the science museum in St. Paul over the weekend - I highly recommend it if it comes through your city. Wild stuff!

Love and fluffy waffles to all,



charissimo said...

No, but I think you're on to something for next time. I actually meant FIRE, as in RIBS ON FIRE, with Julianne performing the Rites of Fiery Ribs dance behind him...

Anonymous said...

I can't believe that Charis failed to mention the most exciting bit of fire I've ever seen, when she leaned over the stove and CAUGHT HER BELLY ON FIRE. I kid you not. She was wearing a sarong and the tassels were sticking out farther than she realized, and we would have had a fully flamin' fetus if she and Becca hadn't quickly put it out. I am telling you, people, that you always hear vague stuff about how clumsy and fat you feel when you're pregnant, you hear about the constant peeing, but this potential to light your belly ON FIRE is the kind of thing that people forget to warn you about when you are considering having children. Also, Ellis is the cutest baby ever and I can't recommend a trip to Lostview highly enough. Every moment is magic, and the fresh vegetables and Jay's cooking are a spritual experience. We had a wonderful time!

charissimo said...

Ahh, it was just a little belly fire! But seriously, nothing gets over belly mountain these days - those passes are just too high! Like for example, right now I have half a batch of cookie dough smeared onto my shirt right along belly button ridge. From a batch I was making, not eating - just to clarify.

But yeah, if you any of you others come and visit, we'll try to do something as cool as setting ourselves on fire for your own personal entertainment. Or we could do what some of our more distant neighbors did and have our ride-a-mow spontaneously combust in the middle of a mow job on the lawn. You've never seen such a couple of sad, perplexed folks as the two staring at their mower go up in giant, black billowing flames in the yard.

Do I mention enough how much I love livin in the country!? You just can't buy that kind of fun!